Version for the
United Kingdom with UK bank holidays.
Suitable for a great variety of uses: holiday & journey planner, trip & travel planner, desktop calendar, company, office and school calendar, holiday calendar, wall planner, shift calendar, shift planner, custom calendar, personalised calendar, wedding planner, family planner, for project planning and project management, CRM, ERP/MRP, PLM, EMM, SCM, as team collaboration tool, as appointment calendar, booking calendar, wall calendar, work plan, work calendar, planning calendar, availability calendar, events calendar, conference planner, training calendar, training diary, for time recording, time tracking and as a time planner or roster, as staff planner, for employee time sheets, attendance tracking, employee scheduling or general time management and business administration, finance, accounting, financial management, retirement planning, annuity calculation, sales & marketing, as annual planner, meetings calendar, appointments calendar, scheduler, as an almanac, as lesson planner, reservation calendar, desk calendar, pocket calendar and many more...
Click on a month to go to a selection of downloadable and printable calendar templates for this month. Click on a bank holiday for further information about this bank holiday, including dates for coming years.
See also:
Printable templates for 2014
A selection of downloadable, printable UK calendar templates in A4 format for 2014, with UK bank holidays and week numbers, suitable for a variety of applications.